
Posts Tagged ‘#DreamBig’

As I sit here and contemplate, it has been 28 years since I said “Until we meet again” to my dad.  Some days it seems like ages and yet other times only yesterday.

My father was a man of integrity.  One who lived his life as he believed 24×7.  He was not perfect but he did walk the talk!  The last few years of his life he was a “minister”.  I use the quotes because for all of my life that I can remember, he was always ministering.  We always had someone in out home growing up…prisoners, vagabonds, hitchhikers, random strangers, the least of these.

In our home, the exterior of a person was not seen.  It was all about their heart and eternal destiny.  Mom would prepare a meal and dad a shower and change of clothes.  While they would nourish their bodies, he was there to nourish their souls.

The questions…my goodness, my daddy loved asking questions.  They always started out the same in these situations…”What is God doing in your life?  Do you have a relationship with Him?”.  A captive audience, with a clean body, fresh clothes and a hot meal, it was futile not to engage.

Dad had a way of connecting with people on a heart level that made them feel like the most important person.  His love for them and their eternal destiny was so great it just permeated the atmosphere around him.  Everyone felt it, even the most hardened of hearts…especially those actually!  He soooo loved people.

My earliest memories are those of dad working at Seagoville Federal Prison.  He would bring inmates on an outing to the park just down from our house.  They always made it back and there were never any issues.  Many of those men’s lives were eternally changed for having known my father…Reuben Alaniz, Paul Jones, Clyde Warner, Ricky Vasquez and countless others.

I remember others that would go and have coffee with my dad and they would talk for HOURS about God, His goodness and what He was doing in their lives…Clarence, Brother Richardson, Jim, Tony, Ricky, Gordon and so many more.

When dad went home, I remember being in awe of how many people said that he was their “best friend”.  I now know it is because five minutes with him was a life-time of friendship and an eternal link in this life’s journey.

I had someone tell me a couple of years ago that I have my dad’s gift of connection.  Knowing the moment that someone needs to be contacted.  I wasn’t sure about it until the severing of entanglements and piercing of the canopy at the #DreamTrip2017.  The prayer that was prayed and the release that followed is unlike anything I have experienced since his “homegoing”.

Waking in the wee hours of the morning in my youth, I could always hear my father calling on heaven to invade earth, while taking on principalities of darkness.  His prayers pleading for the covering and will of God for our lives.

They say that sound continues to travel even when it is out of our range of hearing.  The faithful, fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.  Those prayers of my father echo around me today and are coming into full manifestation.

What my dad lacked in earthly wealth, he more than made up for in heavenly riches.  The inheritance that he left…it leaves me speechless!  It is my extreme honor and privilege to carry on that legacy and my prayer is that I do it well!!!



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If it is the truth that sets you free it is the lie that binds you!

Day one of the conference we spent time considering the biggest lies that the enemy has ever said to us.  Frankly, the examples given were just not mean, evil and sinister enough.  So the homework for the night was to think about the two biggest lies the devil’s told.

The thing that was just so amazing about the #DreamTrip2017 is that with every person I met there was an instant connection.  It’s like God orchestrated it or something!  🙂

In one of the last exercises for the day, I met D.  A few of us were going to dinner so I invited her along.  The plan was to take a quick break, meet in the lobby and head over the lakeside restaurant.

I sent her a text letting her know we were leaving and received one back indicating that she would not be able to join because she needed to complete the homework (the two biggest lies) and she really needed to contemplate them.  I immediately heard God say, it is really not that difficult, she’s thinking too hard.

On the way back from dinner, God told me to pick up a pinecone.  I thought it was for the dream doors that I build and didn’t think much of it.  Later that night, God told me to give it to D the next day and explain what the pinecone represents.

The pineal gland in our brains looks like the pinecone.  In many world religions, it represents the “third-eye” or spiritual illumination.  God is calling out truth to crush the counterfeits.  For those of us that are believers in Christ, the *truth* we know that this is really spiritual discernment through the Holy Spirit and having the “eyes” to see.

The next morning during praise and worship, God gave me a drawing for her and a message.  The core of what He was saying was to trust in Him, to hear His voice and to not have fear.  She knows what He is telling her and to not let self-talk get in the way.  There was more but this is the nutshell.

This was new for me!  To hear something from Him and then tell someone what was being said directly to them.  God is sooooo good in His grace!

When the praise and worship is done, I slid the pinecone and the drawing over to her and shared what everything means.  This is the amazing part…she tells me that pinecones are her favorite!  She had been telling her husband how she needed to pick up some pinecones because they were so big and beautiful!  She just loves pine trees!

The drawing was reflective of the location of the #DreamTrop2017 and what God had me tell her was on target and exactly what had been going through her head!

How awesome is that?!?  So not only did He want to speak her it was via one of her favorite things!!!  This is *true* love!!!

Every time I bask in all that God did on this trip, I am overwhelmed and humbled by His goodness and unconditional love for us!  I am in awe that He would use me in such a way!  My eyes spontaneously spring leaks of tremendous joy at His pursuit of our hearts and His deep desire to connect and walk in relationship!


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Wow!  Just Wow!!!

God is so good!  I am constantly humbled by His Grace and His Goodness!

This is the first installment…

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was meant to go on this trip.  The obstacles that popped up a long the way as an attempted deterrent were the proof that pushed me over the edge.  So much so that I opted to do the Master Mind as well.  The interesting thing about this is that I booked a couple of extra days simply thinking that I would use the time to absorb what I knew would be significant but not knowing that the Master Mind was the following two days!  Isn’t God awesome!?!

I build Dream Doors and in the weeks leading up to the trip, God gave me the makings of a “Mike” or “Michael” door in addition to one for Lance Wallnau.  The only thing that I had was that the name Mike or Michael would be significant to the person.  The objective was to have the door in hand but this didn’t happen.

The first night there at registration, I meet Dean Cartin rhymes with Martin.  He was the first person, associated with the #DreamTrip2017, with whom I shook hands and made direct eye contact.   Coming back from the dessert reception, I felt God tell me to ask Dean about the name Mike/Michael.  So the next morning I did and he told me it was his first name!  How awesome…I was overcome by emotion that God would orchestrate the door to be for the very first connection I make there!  AND to know that He had done so weeks before arrival!

God gave me the design for the door during the that first praise and worship that kicked off the conference.  I shared it with Dean and was overwhelmed and humbled that it was on target.  That God would use me…me…in such a way.

That afternoon, Dean prayed for me.  It is the first time in my life (ever) that I have seen it happen in the spirit!  As he prayed it played like a movie before my eyes.  I saw it all unfold right there.  The two significant parts that I will share with you now are the severing of the entanglements and the piercing of the canopy.

Entanglements:  Dean called out that there were entanglements that had occurred in my life which kept me from walking in all that God had for me and being where He’s called me to be.  When he said, “God we sever those entanglements” – I saw this hot, white, electric, silver, burning, alive sword sever a big vine and when it did the vine wound back through my entire life releasing that which was trapped.  Situations, people, things that I hadn’t thought of in years and some I don’t know that I would have recalled on my own.  There was A LOT around my father’s death!

Canopy: He then declared that there was a canopy over my life that was inhibiting the flow of heavenly communication.  Some passing through but a lot getting trapped.  What I saw were huge overarching spider webs.  Dean then called for the sword to pierce the canopy.  I saw that same sword come up from underneath and pierce the webs.  When it did there was this hot, bright, white sun/light that began to ignite the webs and like hair burning they were singed away to nothing, along with the spiders that had been weaving!

This totally released the gift and flow of the prophetic!  The clarity and the surety of God’s voice is now unmistakable.  The pictures (prophetic drawings) and words for people increased day over day.  He gave me a word of knowledge for healing.  He used me to bring about deep inner healing for someone.

I have thought about the lost time since my dad’s death in 1989.  Those entanglements and that canopy…  This is the year of restoration and restitution.  I am taking back territory and I am occupying!  No longer is there a hold over my life.

I am released and unleashed!  I am a lioness of the Lion of Judah and the enemy will know my ROAR!

#As One

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